Month: February 2006


Victory Fellowship was founded with a commitment for multi-ethnic ministry. Multi-ethnic ministry calls for us to not just talk with one another but communicate. Consequently We must take the necessary time pray and communicate with every person who wants us to become part of this family of God called Victory Fellowship.


  1. God is calling at Victory Fellowship to be very loving, joyful and giving. This call comes with expectation that in EVERY situation we communicate (not just talk) through a CAREFUL, PATIENT process in every way we can and as often as we can.
  2. In our communication we must treat each other with great respect and kindness. (I admit that I need more prayers to live up to this expectation). We must become evermore determined to have the love, unity, joy, laughter and graciousness of Jesus continue to dominate the way we treat each other.
  3. We must together want to CONTINUE to ADOPT others.
  4. We must together as a covenant community want to welcome each visitor and reach out to the lost with great passion, joy and love.


I believe we have the means to be used of God to actually make a difference with God’s help and blessing. We are blessed people and able to carry on this mission for 10-30 years. This is the kind of commitment that will make a difference in the world! God requires our collective LONG term commitment.


  1. I believe God can use “us” (even as he uses “them”) to provide for his work to be accomplished. This is what it means to be a covenant community that makes a difference.
  2. We want God to use “US” to make a difference. This is our value. I believe God can use us (SMC) to take ownership, pray for and support this ministry.
  3. We are called to a kingdom of priest, a royal priesthood, chosen to serve the LORD!
  4. We must persevere in FAITH as we collectively make a LONG term commitment.


Please picture in your mind a large family of a Dad, Mom and 7 kids ranging from late teens to infant.

  1. Now please add the major factor that ALL SEVEN kids are ADOPTED!
  2. Please picture that this very large multi-ethnic family has amazing amounts of laughter, love and friendship.
  3. Please picture that this family talks through their issues calmly, humbly, graciously and with great love.
  4. Please picture that this family CONTINUES to ADOPT other children of various ages and backgrounds.
  5. Please picture that each new child that is adopted learns to talk things through calmly, humbly, graciously and with great love with each other member of their family.
  6. Please picture that each new child has a life that is filled with love, laughter and friendship BECAUSE of one of their core values is to be defined by loving-compassion of God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.

By the way, we have actually known of families and churches that successfully become multi-ethnic. They are amazing families and churches who are admired by everyone who knows them. People are amazed that a family or a church can take in a troubled teenager or a trouble person who has already developed some poor attitudes and through love, calmness and clarity can teach this teenager what it means to be a part of a loving family.

If you saw a situation like this, then you would know that the love, joy and unity in this family is NOT an ACCIDENT. You would know that every member of this family works very hard to protect the love, joy and unity in that family.


  1. We must accept one another. This however is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts (Zecharia 4:6).
  2. We must be patient with each other. Our success in becoming a multi-ethnic church will be realized as we together go through a CAREFUL, PATIENT process of making sure we understand each other.
  3. We must accept to change. No one can change anyone. God alone will change people to be loving, caring and compassionate to even those of a different ethnic background.
  4. We must begin to see ourselves as a multi-ethnic church made possible by the love of God.

A Community defined by Prayerful Act of Waiting on God

For about eight years now,  Joyce and I have processed and wrestled through our Core Values as a couple. We have learned that committing to wait in prayer until we are in agreement with God and with one another is one of the most important biblical core values that a couple must have to be successful.

The same is true for a church community bought with the blood of the lamb. Today we continue to learn this lesson as we together continue to learn the importance of waiting in prayer as we trust in God to bring forth a multi- ethnic church through our prayers and effort in Dallas metro area.

I believe together as a new body of Christ called VF Church we must agree that in anything we seek to do for God in Dallas, Texas we must commit to wait until we are in agreement with God and with one another. This is what it means to live in covenant Community.


I believe that we agree collectively as a covenant community of God that;

  1. Relocation: The biblical teaching is that we wait on His return not on the day of our relocation.
  2. multi-ethnic church launch takes a multi-ethnic dream team that is prayerfully supported, comissioned and encouraged.

You are Cherished

God says you are loved, valued, cherished and appreciated the way you are. When we become Christians God commands us to CHANGE our Core Values so that HIS Core Values eventually become OUR Core Values. God’s Word says that this process of CHANGING our Core Values is:

  1. Required (Mt. 18:3-4)
  2. The way we learn God’s Will (Rom. 12:2)
  3. How we become spiritually Mature (Eph. 4:11-16)