Month: March 2007

Ephesians 6:10-18

This passage opens with the word “FINALLY …” This means that in the book of the Bible that has the single focus to tell us the riches of our inheritance, Apostle Paul says, now I’m going to sum up everything in one last synopsis….. “be strong in the Lord”

Now, is it okay to want to be strong? Is it a good thing to say, ‘I want the power of God in my life’? Is it okay to say I don’t want to just win, I want to win big? Is it okay to say I will not live in mediocrity?

From this passage we learn that it is okay to want to be strong. But not in the wordly sense but in the spiritual sense that comes through “putting on the whole armor of God…”

Four times, Apostle Paul keeps using the word “stand”. He says we are in a battle field. And he says “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” In other words, it’s not a thing to be taken lightly that there is an enemy of your soul. Consequently, we need to “put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes” you will be found standing.

Every day we face little battles. In every person’s life, there is a small window of opportunity to win or lose the battle. The danger is that if you lose, you do lose. You can lose your life. You can lose your marriage. You can lose your children. You can lose your ministry. You can lose your career. You can lose your hope. You can lose your physical life.

The Goodnews is that if you win this battle you win. If you win, you’ve won it forever. You’ve won your marriage. You’ve won the life of your children. You’ve won your career. You’ve won your physical life. You’ve won your ministry, your potential, your hope, your joy. You’ve won the completion of all you were called to be before the beginning of creation!

The Bible, in the book of Ephesians, says that we are fighting with the powers of darkness, the powers of evil, that live inside and around us. We are not fighting simply with our own egos, our own selfishness. We are not fighting simply with our own flesh, with our own little addictions and passions. We are not merely fighting petty battles with booze or drugs or sex or and material pleasures, important as these are. No, the Bible says that we are fighting with an evil force greater than ourselves, the very powers of darkness.

Who causes all the wars around us and around all of human history? Who causes all the starvation in the world, where a vast majority do not have sufficient food and water, and all the while there is plenty of food and water available? Who slaughtered children and parents in the death camps of Germany, Cambodia, Argentina, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan and 911? It is the power of Evil. It certainly isn’t God who has caused all these enormous devastation around the globe. The power of evil is insidious, global, and there is no place to escape it.

So what do we do in the face of such monstrous evil around us and throughout all of our past history? Should we create islands of pleasure and sanctuaries of sugar? Should we create illusions that all is well with me and us as long as we can keep the blood bathes at a distance? Should we create sanctuaries of suburbia, and try to live in the safety of our suburbia and when it becomes too dangerous or poor here, we move, to a safer church, a safer suburb, a safer island in the sun?

We are NOT called to be build our sanctuaries of safety and try to keep the real violence on TV, away from us. Instead, we are called to live our lives with an understanding that evil is everywhere even in our suburbia or rural community. We are called to take a stand.

Therefore, rather than running away from the battles of life and the power of apathetic evil living inside and around us, the word of God in Ephessians 6:10-18 has another alternative, another battle plan.

Aposlte Paul talks about Christians living in a real world filled with evil and injustice. Living in a real world with real evil in it, it is wise to put on the whole armor of God when engaged in battle with the evil one. Apostle Paul lists seven qualities, seven pieces of armor that we can benefit from. The number seven is symbolic of wholeness, the whole armor, the full suit of armor.

In this passage, we read that we are to put on the whole armor of God because we are not dealing with the passions of the flesh but the powers of darkness in this world. Because of this, we are to stand, stand against, stand for, and stand up. The whole motivation is for us to stand up against the powers of darkness. This standing is only possible when we have the whole armor of God.

First, we are to put on the belt of truth. Truth in all relationships. Truth about God and God’s love. Truth about our spouse, our children, our parents, our grandparents, our neighbors. Finally grasping the truth about ourselves. To live truthfully and not to live a lie. This is a gift from God.

Second, we are to put on breastplate of righteousness. Right relationships. Healthy relationships. Good relationships with all those around you and even yourself. To want to be and be in right relationships and not wrong, sick and demeaning relationships. This is truly a gift from God that we all want.

Third, we are to put on foot protectors of peace. Not to be looking for a fight with yourself, your family member, your co-worker. Trying to work through the legitimate conflicts that are always found between people and nations and ethnic grounds. To be a peacemaker, to work hard for peace and towards peace in all relationships. This is truly a gift from God that we need.

Fourth, we are to put on the shield of faith. To trust God. To trust that God is with you, to trust that God is in you, to trust that God will strengthen you for every situation that you are facing. You can’t prove it. You can’t prove God. You can’t prove God’s inner strength. You can’t prove eternal life. But you have been given the gift of trust. Trusting your inner spiritual self; trusting God’s slow plan to health and wholeness. You can’t see it, but you trust God’s future plan for your life on both sides of the grave.

Fifth, we are to put on the helmet of salvation. What a gift to know that you are saved, that there is nothing you can do to earn or merit your own salvation, but that salvation and eternal life are a gift from God. I don’t have to worry about being saved. I don’t have to question whether or not I deserve eternal life. Eternal life is a given. I don’t have to worry about it.

Sixth, we are to put on the sword of the Spirit that is the Word of God. There is power in the Bible, in the Word of God. The words of Jesus, the Apostle Paul and the Old Testament are not merely words printed on pages of a dusty book that we pull out when the preacher is coming or when we have an occasional Bible devotional. God’s words are living words, intended to live in us. We learn them, memorize them, recite them spiritually in our brains, so that God’s words are constantly inside us. What a resource.

Seventh, we are to put on praying in the Spirit. There is not piece of armor mentioned with this seventh quality, but the quality is important. Last but not least is “praying in the Spirit,” in the mood, in the emotion, in the remembrance.

Prayer for Today

O God, this morning I come into the stillness of your presence to begin this day with you, so that out of this day, I may take with me a quiet serenity and strength to last me all day long. I have come to find wisdom, so I do not make any foolish mistakes. I have come to find peace, so that nothing would worry or upset me all through today. I have come to find love so that nothing would make me bitter, unforgiving or unkind. I have come to find justice, so that I would always work for the poor and disadvantaged in the world. I have come to begin this day with you, continue it with you, and end it with you, so that this would be a day which has nothing to regret. I offer this prayer, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Isaiah 11:1-10

There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
3 His delight is in the fear of the LORD,
And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;
4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
And decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins,
And faithfulness the belt of His waist.