Month: August 2008

Hear the word…. Again!

1 Chronicles 29:16-18

16 “O LORD our God, all this abundance that we have prepared to build You a house for Your holy name is from Your hand, and is all Your own. 17 I know also, my God, that You test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things; and now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here to offer willingly to You. 18 O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep this forever in the intent of the thoughts of the heart of Your people, and fix their heart toward You.

The Bond of Unity

Today, I was awaken a few minutes till 5:00am to read Psalm 133 again. After that I read  the sermon delivered by Peter in Acts chapter 2 with particular attention to the response of the people in verse 37ff.

One thing that caught my attention is the bond  of unity. Think about it. No power in the world could have united these community of people in the Book of Acts for a common task, save the call of Jesus. 

These people who made a response were humans like us with personality and behavioral issues but they got along together. They were united. Where Jesus is involved there is unity.

We have come thus far by faith but Jesus has united us. We know today that the same power that united the disciples and the first century Christians has united us and will continue to unite us in this journey of seeing His church planted.

I am glad you are apart of a rising generation. Jesus is looking for help, for he cannot do the work alone. Jesus sees things with different eyes and that is why he has choosen you and me.

Jesus does not look at people as maltreated, wretched and poor, rather he sees the ripe harvest field of God. When Jesus looks at Dallas Metro area, He sees a a field ripe enough to be gathered into the barns. Jesus sees that the hour has come for these poor and wretched folks to be fetched home to the kingdom of God. What are you willing to do?

May God help us become His hand and feet as we unite our efforts and prayers.

Hear the Word…

For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.”[a] 4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, 6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:3-6

Without God life makes no sense Inspite of all chit chat, we must remember that life is really about living for God not oneself, organization, career, success or other purposes.

VF Weekly Update

 Dear Friend and Partner of Victory Fellowship,

Greetings in Jesus name. This is the Victory Fellowship Weekly Update as we begin the second week of our fifth year together and the third week of our continuing prayers, asking the LORD to fill us with His spirit.


OUR God-given assignment and GOAL at Victory Fellowship has always been to become a multi-ethnic church and ministry that is reaching out to all people with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. To live upto this expectation we must choose to LOVE God.

Choosing to love God is our Conference theme this year as chosen by Dr. John Hucks Jr., our president. In John 15:12 we read “My Command is this LOVE each other AS I have loved you!” 


This week God is bringing us to where we have to communicate with one another in love on the subject of Core Values. We all know that Core Values are the REASON why each person REACTS to each situation! I am thankful for Brother Plunkett ‘s reminder that we must as a church look at core values.

When we become Christians God commands us to CHANGE our Core Values so that HIS Core Values eventually become OUR Core Values. God’s Word says that this process of CHANGING our Core Values is:

  1. Required (Mt. 18:3-4)
  2. The way we learn God’s Will (Rom. 12:2)
  3. How we become spiritually Mature (Eph. 4:11-16)

The following is what God is revealing to us as some of the most important core values at Victory Fellowship. Please let us know if you disagree with any of the following values and implementation. Until we hear from you, this is what we believe God is pleased with as our core values.


For eleven years Joyce and I have processed and wrestled through our Core Values as a couple. We have learned that committing to wait in prayer until we are in agreement with God and with one another is one of the most important biblical core values that a couple must have to be successful.

The same is true for a church community bought with the blood of the lamb. Today we continue to learn this lesson as we together continue to learn the importance of waiting in prayer as we trust in God to bring forth a multi- ethnic church through our prayers and effort in Dallas metro area.

I believe together as a new body of Christ called Victory Fellowship we must agree that in anything we seek to do for God in Dallas, Texas we must commit to wait until we are in agreement with God and with one another. This is what it means to live in covenant Community.


I believe that we agree collectively as a covenant community of God that;

  1.  Public Launch for Victory Fellowship is near.  What happened on June 22nd was a preview of what is yet to take place most likely on dates given below. However, we would rather see the coming of Jesus. The biblical teaching is that we wait on His return not on the day of our launch.
  2. multi-ethnic church launch takes a multi-ethnic dream team that is prayerfully supported, comissioned and encouraged.
  3. Victory Fellowship will continue in the home launch stage until a public launch date is announced. As of now we are thinking and praying about November 1st, 2009  at a more convenient venue that God alone will give us.
  4. Victory Fellowship is retreating to Home Fellowship stage so that we can continue to pray and wait upon the LORD as we together count the cost. 


Please picture in your mind a large family of a Dad, Mom and 7 kids ranging from late teens to infant.

  1. Now please add the major factor that ALL SEVEN kids are ADOPTED!
  2. Please picture that this very large multi-ethnic family has amazing amounts of laughter, love and friendship.
  3. Please picture that this family talks through their issues calmly, humbly, graciously and with great love.
  4. Please picture that this family CONTINUES to ADOPT other children of various ages and backgrounds.
  5. Please picture that each new child that is adopted learns to talk things through calmly, humbly, graciously and with great love with each other member of their family.
  6. Please picture that each new child has a life that is filled with love, laughter and friendship BECAUSE of one of their core values is to be defined by loving-compassion of God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.

By the way, we have actually known of families and churches that successfully become multi-ethnic. They are amazing families and churches who are admired by everyone who knows them. People are amazed that a family or a church can take in a troubled teenager or a trouble person who has already developed some poor attitudes and through love, calmness and clarity can teach this teenager what it means to be a part of a loving family. 

If you saw a situation like this, then you would know that the love, joy and unity in this family is NOT an ACCIDENT. You would know that every member of this family works very hard to protect the love, joy and unity in that family.


  1. We must accept one another. This however is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts (Zecharia 4:6).
  2. We must be patient with each other. Our success in becoming a multi-ethnic church will be realized as we together go through a CAREFUL, PATIENT process of making sure we understand each other. 
  3. We must accept to change. No one can change anyone. God alone will change people to be loving, caring and compassionate to even those of a different ethnic background.
  4. We must begin to see ourselves as a multi-ethnic church made possible by the love of God.


Victory Fellowship was founded with a commitment for multi-ethnic ministry. Multi-ethnic ministry calls for us to not just talk with one another but communicate. Consequently We must take the necessary time pray and communicate with every person who wants us to become part of this family of God called Victory Fellowship SMC.


  1. God is calling at Victory Fellowship to be very loving, joyful and giving. This call comes with expectation that in EVERY situation we communicate (not just talk) through a CAREFUL, PATIENT process in every way we can and as often as we can.
  2. In our communication we must treat each other with great respect and kindness. (I admit that I need more prayers to live up to this expectation). We must become evermore determined to have the love, unity, joy, laughter and graciousness of Jesus continue to dominate the way we treat each other.
  3. We must together want to CONTINUE to ADOPT others.
  4. We must together as a covenant community want to welcome each visitor and reach out to the lost with great passion, joy and love.


There are many ways to plant a church. If we choose (and only with God’s blessing) we could plant Victory Fellowship through support made possible by a focus on networking with many ministries and churches right here in Dallas.

But this I believe would NOT be of any help to us, a covenant community that seeks to be used of God to make a difference.   I believe we have the means to be used of God to actually make a difference with God’s help and blessing.

Over the previous communication we have shared of a need to fund this work. Let me say that with or without funding, God will build HIS church. There are several ways God can use to fund this church plant process. Joyce and I can invest significant amount of time in networking and as a result (with God’s help) raise enough funds to move this church to Public Launch Stage.

The only problem is that this approach would be of no value to us a redeemed people seeking to be a covenant community that God uses to make a difference in the world.  We must commit to give and support, and this ministry! We have the means to plant this church in Dallas, Texas. We are blessed people and able to carry on this mission for 10-30 years. This is the kind of commitment that will make a difference in the world! God requires our collective LONG term commitment.


  1.  I believe God can use “us” (even as he uses “them”) to provide for his work to be accomplished. This is what it means to be a covenant community that makes a difference.
  2. We want God to use “US” to make a difference. This is our value. I believe God can use us (SMC) to take ownership, pray for and support this ministry.
  3. We are called to a kingdom of priest, a royal priesthood, chosen to serve the LORD!
  4. We must persevere in FAITH as we collectively make a LONG term commitment.


SHORT term passionate and deep love for other Christians and church planting process is easy and UN-impressive. When we read the bible, we learn that the body of Christ is flooded with Christians who passionately showed their love for Jesus by loving other Christians for a SHORT Time!

The bible says of them that “they have lost their first love and have become cynical, disconnected and cold in their love for Jesus and other Christians.” Rev. 2:4-5 says “Yet I hold this against you: You have FORSAKEN your FIRST LOVE. REMEMBER the HEIGHT from which you have FALLEN! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place.”


  1. To have passionate love and commitment for your Church family that LASTS for decades, each of us must have a major focus on phrases like: “Calmness, Graciousness, Transparency, Humility, Joy, Grace, Truth, Being SAFE people, Clear Expectations, Having HEALTHY Souls, Openness, and Kindness & Patience”
  2. At Victory Fellowship, our goal must become for all of us to have deep, loving, healthy, passionate, joyful friendships that LAST for not just month to month but 30-50 YEARS; most importantly eternity.
  3.  Victory Fellowship can move forward with or without you and me. I believe Victory Fellowship is God’s agenda and that you and me are HIS instruments. If we be faithful we will be used by God.
  4. If we be faithless God will raise someone else to carry on this vital ministry. If this ministry is of God it will last forever, if it is of man it will amount to nothing.


I pray that you and I will make a life-time commitment to this process even when we cannot see the results we want. I pray you will make a decision to stay faithful even if we have to continue on Home Fellowship Stage for a little longer than we want. I pray that we will be patient with each other as we together wait on GOD to take us as a multi-ethnic group to the next level of public launch.

May each of us have a passionate desire to be a long time friend and partner of Victory Fellowship until  we Hear Him Say “WELL DONE my GOOD and FAITHFUL servant”

In His Service

Erick & Joyce Chepkwony

What is Church Luanch?


Effective church planting in an urban environment like Dallas, Texas requires a full-time effort by the church planters. Joyce and I are serving full-time, trusting in God for a multi-ethnic church that reaches out to all people with the gospel. We thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers.

A church is planted not manufactured. Like a seed planted it is unrealistic for us to check on it after a month to see if we can harvest the grain however desperate we are. The biblical principle is to wait on God for He is the one who grows His church.

An urban terminology for church planting is Church Launch.  This is probably a concept taken from launching a boat. Church Launch stage is divided into four periods: pre-launch, home fellowship launch, public church launch, and post-launch. Each of these periods can last upto three years.

Where is VICTORY FELLOWSHIP in relationship to these four periods?

  1. Pre-launch for VICTORY FELLOWSHIP occurred in the pastoral year of 2004/05 and 2005/06 when we met at 7851 Scyene Rd. Dallas, Texas. You will recall that Joyce and I arrived in Dallas on October 30th 2004.
  2. Home-Fellowship Launch stage occurred in the pastoral year of 2006/07 and 2007/08 when we disbanded and continued meeting in homes across Dallas. You will recall that we established the Hispanic Church at Scyene Road on April 7th 2007 and moved our base to Mesquite. The re-launch of April 6th 2008 and transition to the building on June 22nd was meant to prepare us for the journey ahead which is yet to be realized. Without funding we will be forced to continue in the Home-Fellowship Launch stage the rest of this pastoral year. This is where Victory Fellowship now stands and we need your fervent prayers and help. We hope to make announcement on Sunday August 17th 2008 at 3:00 PM during service at our current temporary meeting place in Rockwall, Texas of what the LORD has in store for us in this pastoral year that begins from August 1, 2008 through July 31st 2009.
  3. Public Church Launch is about to occur at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP. God has met the need for the best crew.  We are still waiting for approval of budget by the Board of Stewards under the leadership of our General Conference President.  Regardless of how we feel, public launch is primarily dependent on capital funding made possible through the generous support of God’s people who willfully choose to give. Public Launch costs lots of money and we must commit to meet the budget for we’ve got to move or we’ll miss God-given opportunities.
  4. Post-Launch may be one to three years away.


Several tasks have been completed at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP over the pre-launch period.

  1. First, church planters will pray the Lord of the harvest to guide them in the church planting. This began at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP with the LORD’s help in 2004/05 and continues.
  2. Second, they will continue to form a core team of Christians with whom they will plant the church. This began at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP with LORD’s help in 2005/06 and continues.
  3. Third, based upon a biblical theology of the church, church planters will work with their core team to develop a philosophy and organization of the new church planting. This began at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP in 2006/07 and continues at the present time.
  4. Finally, church planters equip small group facilitators. Training is important to a church who views itself as “a community of God on a pilgrimage through life helping each other to continue as Christ’s disciples and encouraging others to join them on the journey to reach heaven.”  This is where the need for “COLLEGE” certification programs comes in. It would be a blessing for us to start offering College Classes right here in Dallas beginning this pastoral year for we must TRAIN / TEACH LEADERS. Church planters and core-team members must assume the roles of catalysts, vision casters, coaches, and practical theologians during this and succeeding stages.
  5. Numerous other activities also begin during this stage, including the development of children’s, youth, singles, and worship ministry. VICTORY FELLOWSHIP stands in need of funding for this to continue. This is where the role of Board of Stewards under the leadership of SMC president and Home Missions Co-ordinator comes in.
  6. The church planters and core team, from the inception of the pre-launch period, also begin to tithe or give as God has prospered them (2 Cor. 8:3-9).

Home Fellowship Launch

  1. The church is launched as a networking of home fellowships who seek to find divine, biblical answers to the dilemmas of life. Small group facilitators are taught how to move participants from issues of life to divine, biblical responses. These groups provide a spiritual environment for nurturing new Christians and reaching friends, neighbors, and relatives who do not yet walk with God in their everyday lives. This has been happening at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP the last twelve months and continues as we wait upon the LORD to go to the next step of PUBLIC LAUNCH.
  2. Continual development of small group leaders is a priority since the focus in all stages is incorporating new Christians into small fellowships of faith to facilitate evangelism and spiritual formation. VICTORY FELLOWSHIP has leaders that we are asking the LORD of harvest to provide a means that we can partially remunerate their work of faith. Scripture clearly teaches that those who lead well and preach and teach are worthy of double honor (I Tim. 5:17-18).
  3. The core team continues to develop the children’s, youth, singles, and worship ministries in preparation for the public church launch. This is when a church may begin to hire part-time staff. This is where we are at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP.
  4. The newly formed church meets as a networking of home fellowships for four to six months, thus establishing its DNA as a small-group church with a focus on personal spiritual formation. This has been happening at VICTORY FELLOWSHIP.

Public Church Launch:

  1. The public launch of the church, usually in a centrally-located, easily accessible rented facility, like a school, business center or theatre, occurs at month ten to twelve of the Home Fellowship Launch. VICTORY FELLOWSHIP is ready for public launch; you can feel the birth pains. Please pray for the BOARD of stewards as they pray and make important decisions about capital funding for the “delivery” of VICTORY FELLOWSHIP in 2008/09. With your prayers, enouragement, support and God’s help we will TRANSITION to the PUBLIC LAUNCH Stage SOONER rather than LATER.
  2. The Public Church Launch stage continues the development of small group leaders and children’s, youth, singles, and worship ministry. This is where Extensive outreach occurs and where OPPORTUNITY BUDGET is really needed. Special events, such as block parties, coffee houses, a day in the park, and children’s camps, are initiated to draw the community into the church. All these events should depict the love, holiness, and awe of God. No agenda is hidden.
  3. The church is God’s people in the public square as well as in the home fellowships. The prayer “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven” is worked out in daily encounters.


  1. New church plantings should become self-supporting within three years of public launch with a decreasing financial commitment by the supporting churches and foundations each year. Based on this general assumption we may be right to expect that VICTORY FELLOWSHIP will be SELF-SUPPORTING at the start of 2011/12 pastoral year.  In general conversation many people assume that a self-supporting is realized three years after pre-launch. That is not correct, it is three years after PUBLIC LAUNCH stage. A church is not manufactured, it is planted.
  2. The Post-Launch Stage focuses on coaching leaders, ministry effectiveness, modes of new member equipping, training of leaders, continued spiritual formation of new members, and development of missions.

Launch Again

  1. By year seven the newly planted church should consider a permanent location. Purchase of property for a place of permanent worship should not precede planting a new church. Property and buildings can become so all-consuming that the church never establishes its DNA as a church-planting church. The purchase of property should begin from year 5-7. For VICTORY FELLOWSHIP that would be between 2011 and 2017, LORD willing.
  2. During this “launch-again” period, the tasks of vision-casting for church planting, discovering and equipping a new church planter, and raising finances become major ministry tasks.

In 2 Corinthians 4:7 Paul writes, “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”

In Zechariah 4:6 the word of God says “It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the LORD of hosts.”