Month: November 2014



In preaching, there are times when you say what you know is true and you say by God’s grace with the kind of clarity of what you want to say, but in your eyes you are watching these words travel through the space knowing they are going to land badly.

There are preachers who offer therapeutic message In all their sermons they are wholly concerned with the treatment (healing) of disease and the action of remedial agents.

Then there are those preachers who take pragmatic trajectory. That isdealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations

Then there are those who take emotional Trajectory – Feel Good Approach

And, there are those who take Materialist  Trajectory – Prosperity Gospel

Lord, please enable me to be the kind of a preacher who preaches the WORD – Do Expository Preaching – Verse by Verse, Chapter by Chapter and Book by Book. Enable many preachers to preach with assurance that authority is God in his word – not us. Let those preaching your word never forget the convincing, convicting power of the word.  Enable your people called to preach to preach in such a way that people know the authority of your word (the word of God).



2013 fast

Many friends and family who are not physically in Dallas- Ft. Worth, are faithfully and effortlessly praying for the work GOD began , long before any of us was here.  Thank you for prayers.

  • At this juncture,we are  claiming areas of North West Dallas and Tarrant Counties for Jesus. The word of the LORD is that no part of the city should remain untouched by Christ and His Lordship. No community should be left behind, even the smallest community like the small but now growing population of the many who can trace their spiritual roots to the sowing of the gospel by Willis Hotchkiss.
  • At this juncture, we are praying for Victory Fellowship and her future for it is one of God’s toolbox to finish His job on earth. Victory Fellowship, incorporated in the state of Texas in 2004 is an instrument, a tool God gave His body of believers for the purpose of winning souls of many new immigrants who by God’s grace and mercies have been uprooted from their “homelands” and now taking up residence in a new and unfamiliar land while searching for new jobs, new types of housing, new neighbors, most of whom they do not understand.
  • We are praying for the next generation of leaders who will soon flood our cities. God knows that it is easy for any recent immigrants to the city to fall into ways that wreak havoc on their family, faith and morality. God knows that if nothing is done, a whole generation of 18 – 27 years old now arriving in the city may pass before existing ministries and places of worship welcome and incorporate them into their internal life. GOD is not pleased for any of HIS young people to become lost in the meantime.
  • We are praying for salvation for any lost soul. God desires that all people turn their backs on the old gods they formerly served and on the “Babylon” of which they were a part. By this turning, they join the new Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ and offer their lives, talents, and energy and service to him.
  • We are praying for the vision that has been shared. We are entering into a journey that is not only for what God will fulfill by 2017 but for an eternity. God is pleased that the whole world is filled with HIS knowledge and salvation in Jesus Christ. As a consequence, there will be an  increase in the number and influence of those who in all areas of the city live by God’s grace and Christ’s Lordship.
  • We are praying for all people. God loves all people and desires that all people receive both spiritual and social transformation. In the harvest field now ripen, there is a work for all to do. Young, middle aged or old, listen to the voice of the Great Shepherd who is now stirring the hearts of many European-Americans, African Americans and Hispanic Americans to pray for the city rather than consume the goods of the city like Lot. Regardless of our age, education or economic status, we must take the example of Abraham, Joseph, Daniel and Jesus who lived for the purpose of transforming the city rather than llooking at what goods the city had to offer them.
  • We are praying for peace, love and unity.  People from Reformed, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, AGC, AIC, non-denominationals and etc live together in the city and at such a time as these are called to join in concerted prayers and pursue God’s mission in ways that please God and advance His Kingdom.
  • We are praying for forgiveness, healing and reconcilation. All of us, from all sorts of backgrounds are in the city because God kows that the city needs a united front of people from all backgrounds working and living together as they practice “one-anothering-kind of life” out of loving-compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation and healing.
  • We are praying for concerted effort. Each and every person is meant by GOD to be different from all others, and each person is to be respected as image bearer of GOD. God does not practice favoritism. t is therefore the will of GOD that all people in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America join in the effort of building Christ-honoring ministries in our communities. This is not easy. If, however we yield our lives to the indwelling, guiding Holy Spirit, we will come to perceive what GOD wants to do, and the ministry we develop will be truly of the LORD.


Thank you for praying fervently for the work of the gospel and for the laborers in His vineyard.

  • Full of gratitude for what GOD is doing in our city as partners and friends get down to pray.
  • So thankful that GOD is in the business of clothing any soul who turns to him with garments of salvation.
  • So thankful that many young people around the world are not only turning to GOD as they take their places in the cities of their calling, but are also listening to the silent still voice of the Great Shepherd who alone will guide and open doors to a particular city, and establish, prosper and guide them as to become the pillars of the work of the gospel in 2013 and beyond…
  • Partners and friends, continue on your knees flooding heavens with praise and petitions…
  • Pray for new parents in the city who struggle to care for their children and raise them in a manner worthy of the gospel.
  • Pray for those whose peace of mind are consumed by bills and challenges of adopting to new ways of life in the city.
  • Pray for marriages in need of constant enrichment and revival.
  • Pray for God’s people that they will have courage to confront and overcome systemic evil with the authority of Christ…
  • Pray that the rich and the poor in the city will recognize their incompleteness without each other (I Cor. 12:21-26).
  • And as you pray for others…. Pray also for Joyce and I as we are determined to build Christ-honoring ministry in our city.



  • In 2004, God called us to the city of Dallas to reach Hispanic Americans community in South-East Dallas….
  • In 2009, God began to turn our hearts to many “unreached” rescent immigrants in North-West areas of Dallas.
  • In 2012 God providentially made a way for us to be in North-West area of Dallas and we have peace about being on this part of the city, doing the work of mission. Any missionary would tell you that in 21st century, most of the world’s unreached peoples are culturally rather than geographically distance from Europe and North America.


As we end this year we are thankful and excited that it pleased GOD to give us a pathway to citizenship so as to blend, bond and thereby win our city for Jesus. Bonding can be a strange word for many of us, but it is an extremely important concept for Christian living if any one is to minister with intergrity.

As we anticipate the return of our Lord and Savior, it is our humble prayer and hope that he will find us here in North-West Dallas even after the 2017 hope has been achieved.

Thank you friends and thanks be to GOD who by His unmerited grace has called us to this city and by His Spirit has fired us up to pray and see God “DO IT AGAIN for HIS GLORY.”

We are called to discover GOD’s ways of living, to live in ways that are Spirit-sustaining, and also to assure that future generations will be able to meet their needs in a healthy way in communities and cities God will ‘plant them” all over the world.

Thanks be to GOD and thank you to everyone praying and working behind the scenes on developing gathering places where the next generation can combine private devotions with a time of thinking together, praying together, and sacrificially ‘pulling together’ resources for activities that meet exisiting needs of the community of God’s people.

Photo: Brethren, continue in prayers for salvation of many lost souls in the city. It must be about GOD's will, plan and vision. We know from Scripture that God's will and plan is to see people saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered and serving.PRAYER

Brethren, continue in prayers for salvation of many lost souls in the city. It must be about GOD’s will, plan and vision. We know from Scripture that God’s will and plan is to see people saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered and serving.

Through prayers and sacrificial giving, many lives and communities that were forever hopelessly ruined have been been changed and transformed forever. God in heaven is pleased when we not only preach but practice the GOSPEL.

To faithful friends, partners and supporters, THANK YOU for the many ways you have prayed and supported the work of the GOSPEL.Over the last eight years, many of you prayed and contributed to help rescue and rehabititate those who had wandered into the paths of vice and folly.

Many of you prayed and supported transition of many rescent and ever transitioning immigrants to the destination of their calling.Many of you prayed and contributed at least a dollar for the education of many young people who are now continuing their education.

Many of you prayed and responded generously to a cause aimed at providing housing, jobs, clothes, transportation and once-month meals for the poor, oppressed and homeless in South Dallas.

Thank you for giving to the LORD. Together we have been used of GOD to come to the aid of the poor and the oppressed in the city.Many people are now turning to GOD. When people are turning to the LORD, churches are established and growing, and lives are being changed, it is obvious that GOD is blessing the heralds of good news and all the glory goes to JESUS.


I believe we can and that is why I am asking preachers of the GOSPEL, pastors, missionaries, teachers, friends and partners, to give Joyce and I full prayers and support as we trust in GOD to tend GOD’s flock at Victory Fellowship that God alone will entrust to our pastoral care and oversight in 2013 and beyond in North-West areas of Dallas- Ft. Worth while continuing these other ministries now going on in the four corners of our city. Talented and gifted people of Dallas-Ft. Worth, and many young people around the world that are now praying to GOD with windows of their heart open to Dallas- Ft. Worth, we need your prayers and support.

Fire of the Holy Spirit


The story of the book of Nehemiah is the story of how in a time when a city was dead and dying, God gave his people a heart for this city.

At once they move there, begin living and working together there. As they began to gather, sing, study God’s word, they were led to asses, repent and pray for the city. One of the core identity marks of our mission is to be and become God’s people who are here for the city rather than consumers of the goods the city has to offer.

The story of Nehemiah seems so fitting for where we are at in the life of our church and in this season and journey of prayer.

Full of gratitude for what GOD is doing in our city as partners and friends get down to pray.So thankful that GOD is in the business of clothing any soul who turns to him with garments of salvation.

So thankful that many young people around the world are not only turning to GOD as they take their places in the cities of their calling, but are also listening to the silent still voice of the Great Shepherd who alone will guide and open doors to a particular city, and establish, prosper and guide them as to become the pillars of the work of the gospel in 2013 and beyond…

Partners and friends, continue on your knees flooding heavens with praise and petitions…

  • Pray for new parents in the city who struggle to care for their children and raise them in a manner worthy of the gospel.
  • Pray for those whose peace of mind are consumed by bills and challenges of adopting to new ways of life in the city.
  • Pray for marriages in need of constant enrichment and revival.
  • Pray for God’s people that they will have courage to confront and overcome systemic evil with the authority of Christ…
  • Pray that the rich and the poor in the city will recognize their incompleteness without each other (I Cor. 12:21-26).
And as you pray for others…. Pray also for Joyce and I as we are determined to build Christ-honoring ministry in our city.
  • In 2004, God called us to the city of Dallas to reach Hispanic Americans community in South-East Dallas….
  • In 2009, God began to turn our hearts to many “unreached” rescent immigrants in North-West areas of Dallas.
  • In 2012 God providentially made a way for us to be in North-West area of Dallas and we have peace about being on this part of the city, doing the work of mission.

Any missionary would tell you that in 21st century, most of the world’s unreached peoples are culturally rather than geographically distance from Europe and North America.

As we end this year we are thankful and excited that it pleased GOD to give us a pathway to citizenship so as to blend, bond and thereby win our city for Jesus. Bonding can be a strange word for many of us, but it is an extremely important concept for Christian living if any one is to minister with intergrity.

As we anticipate the return of our Lord and Savior, it is our humble prayer and hope that he will find us here in North-West Dallas even after the 2017 hope has been achieved.

Thank you friends and thanks be to GOD who by His unmerited grace has called us to this city and by His Spirit has fired us up to pray and see God “DO IT AGAIN for HIS GLORY.”



Brethren, GOD is sovereign and He alone determines the outcome of all decisions. Each time a prayed for, and carefully devised plan is successful, two truths are reinforced:

(1) The Importance of wise, prayerful and orderly planning – {See Proverbs 24:6}, and

(2) The effectiveness of God’s sovereign will in accomplishing the plans of humanity and God – {See Romans 1:10; 15:32}.

If plans that you commit to the LORD are sound, then only thing to adjust when providentially hindered is the timetable.Remember, the work of a believer is to plan, seek His will in sincere prayer and humbly submit in advance to the outworking of GOD’S PLAN and GOD’S TIME.


God does nothing, except in response to believing prayer…. (JW)..The momentum in prayer needs to be maintained. This is absolutely not a time for day-dreaming or mere talk, but a time for prayer, the more passionate the better.

May the cries of blood-bought and sanctified saints reach the courts of heaven pleading for God to do it…again – anointing, giving breakthroughs; causing the falling down of walls of separation and the raising up of body and pride of Christ from among all nations, peoples, tongue and kindred.God is getting ready to do some amazing things…..

If the vision and message of VICTORY has helped you in any way, pray for the pioneers and remember to pray for those GOD is stirring in their hearts to be apart of the move of God through this vessel and instrument in 2013 and beyond.

I believe in the power of prayer. GOD answers prayers, but we must remember that he answers them in HIS time and ONLY for HIS GLORY.

Between November 15, 2011 and February 15, 2012, it appeared as though God’s infant mission church and ministry had no more future in Dallas. But GOD’s time is not our time.

Early this year, on February 17, 2012, my family and I left North-West Dallas heading to South Carolina where a board had promised they would help with “self-deportation” air-tickets after the meeting.I remember how on that day we had viewed at North-west Dallas areas like Keller, Coppell, Colleyville and South-lake for what we thought was the last time through a rear-view mirror praying;”Okay GOD, we are willing to GO (to Lemeiywet village) and we are willing to stay {in North-West Dallas}…. whatever it is for your glory…. we’ll do…” (Cf. 2 Kings 7: 4}

After saying amen, we reminded GOD that in case he needed us to stay in Dallas and finish the journey of the work he alone began for His glory on October 2004, then he must;”DO IT AGAIN! like he did for the children of Israel.”Now, there was only one thing that could alter  “self-deportation” from happening. That thing was GOD in heaven answering one prayer…. and actually “DOING IT AGAIN…… like he did for the Children of Israel. “

Before heading out of Texas, we had passed by South-East Dallas to check if there was any mail. Right there was a miracle waiting for us.At 3PM on Friday, February 17, 2012, ALMIGHTY GOD spoke and said with an official letter,


We were, like – REALLY GOD?At that time, there was really no need to go to South Carolina for the meeting. But, ALMIGHTY GOD said, GO ahead, Go to that meeting…. it is for my glory. So we continued the journey.

Friends, between November 15, 2012 and February 15, 2013, we ask you to pray for people GOD is preparing to be part of Pastoral Team, Elders, Board of Directors, and etc at Victory Fellowship by February 15, 2013.

Victory Fellowship is a vessel GOD has been preparing, molding, shaping and re-shaping now for about 8 years to reveal HIS name and glory to this generation and the generations after us.There are wonderful things ahead for Victory Fellowship…. and our prayer is GOD, DO IT AGAIN. Do it again LORD for your glory. Shake the city for your Glory.

Do it again, LORD and, if you don’t break into our human history, may we live to see the fullness of your glory in what you are getting ready to do in the world in these last days.Friends, GOD has wonderful things in store. The promise of GOD is that we shall overcome, we shall triumph. We shall stand in the victory as won…… for if God is for us, who can be against us? Though the heathens rage, the people imagine vain things; people take council together…. there is no fear for GOD is over all, controlling, shaping and directing events to HIS own GLORY.

Light the world


God has been teaching more about prayer lately… In this lesson, I have searched the scriptures, listen to voices of reason, assessed common practices of prayers and recalled some personal experiences of answered prayers.Reading Jeremiah 33:3, the Spirit of God has called to my mind a prayer I prayed November 1982.

At that time, I was starting to be more aware of the fact that there is a larger world out there beyond Kiplokyi.This particular day, I was at Kabianga High School with my parents visiting and saying prayers for my older brother before His KCSE exams.

I was there for the first time, and the beautiful jacaranda trees blooming in blue colors was breath-taking. The Mimosa flowers that could fold the leaves when you touch overhauled everything I knew about plants. Let alone the grounds and facilities.When time came to leave, and as we boarded on dad’s 502 Peugeot, I said to GOD, please let me come here for HIGH SCHOOL.

Now I was not very smart like my older brothers and sisters. So I knew if I was to get into such a school, it would be because of the hand of GOD. 1989, (7 years later) the prayer was answered.

There is something GOD taught me about prayer, again August 1997.At that time I was standing outside US Embassy having been denied a visa for travel to USA while all my relatives were already in Nairobi to see us off the same night. I stood outside the Embassy and said to GOD, “Do it AGAIN, OH LORD, like you did for the Israelite. Do it for the sake of your name.”

Then I reminded God that if he doesn’t do it, then all my relatives would go back to their cities and villages in shame for everyone will laugh at them the rest of their life, having sacrificed everything.Having settled that with GOD, I went back to Embassy and the officer unable to comprehend it all, just gave Joyce and I visas and we were able to fly to the USA that same night as originally planned.

No one wants to be ashamed. God will fulfill His word regarding that which you have committed unto HIM. You must be contend to wait on HIS time. In his time, he makes all things beautiful and what may appear as momentary shame or a feeling of guilt will soon give way to joy as you realize, it was part of the sacrifice needed for the journey towards God’s preferred future. Has GOD said? Then He will do it.The psalmist said, let me not be ashamed, let not mine ENEMIES triumph over me.

From scripture the three enemies of the Christian are (1) Satan (2) the World and (3) the Flesh.It is possible you have UN-answered prayer. It is possible you are asking God to answer a prayer that you know if not answered, can lead to shame and guilt.

GOD IS ABLE and GOD answers prayers. Some prayers take one minute to answer like the prayers I prayed outside the embassy. Other prayers takes 7 years to materialize like the prayers I prayed at Kabianga High School.May GOD give us wisdom and His grace to understand what he understands and see what he sees.

AND NOW HEAR THE WORDActs 2:39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off–for all whom the Lord our God will call.”Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.Jeremiah 32:27 “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?Joel 2:32 And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls.

bearing fruit


“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands.” {Acts 17:24}Mid 1980s, I was at home taking four-O’clock cup of tea with my father, when all of a sudden we heard a motorcyle stopping outside.

I thought it was my uncle, but when I checked, it was the Area Director, Rev. Chesimet who is now with the LORD.He came in. Sat and started conversations with father. They talked about their families, their children, the schools, the church and finally he said something that send a cold chill down my spine.He said, plans were in place to DEMOLISH the only beautiful sanctuary I knew in entire area to the south of the Rift.

I remember feeling as though decay had entered into my bones when the word DEMOLISH came out of a Reverend’s mouth. On the surface it sounded as if someone was about to evict God. But that was not the case.There was a moment of silence.

During that time, I called to mind the many times I was asked to ring the bell before services filled with fire and fresh move of GOD. Then I recalled the camps and revival meetings that brought me close to seeing Jesus and ‘have little Heaven down here.’I thought of the celebration of my older brothers and sisters’ baptisms.

I recalled of the many times I went there to watch the “baptized” partake of the Lord’s Supper.I thought of the day I was witnessing for the first time in my life a Christian exchange of wedding vows. Dr. Stephen Ngeno, {my neighbor, and back then the first and only recent graduate of Kenya Highlands, a place I was also starting to dream of going,} had graciously invited us to his beautiful wedding.

Perhaps I was shocked that now, when it was my turn, to be baptized and partake of Lord’s supper, and later marry at beautiful House of God at Tenwek, someone wants it demolished?Well, I had to accept the reality. DEMOLITION plan was in place and it was just a matter of months before the T- Shaped Building that has been a place to meet with GOD could go down.

The Reverend was now making rounds to key-leaders, asking them to let go of the past and embrace what GOD was getting ready to do.Then the Reverend broke some good news before he said GOODBYE. He said, I have come to see you because all the resources needed for a new sanctuary in a campus-like setting featuring apartment-like housing units for use during camps, revivals and other age-related events that are a result of the MOVE OF the HOLY GOD we serve, are in place. He said the new house will not be like the former.. It will be built FOURSQUARE as a testimony of God’s goodness to the generation after us.

GOD IS DOING A NEW THING.So when would that be? The Reverend said, it would take about four years for the vision to be implemented, not because there was shortage of resources, but because the hearts of people must first let go of the old.

Chesimet then suggested that people at Kiplokyi should begin thinking of utilizing the old plan of a T-Building that is being demolished and begin seeing this place as the future site of Area Meetings while they pray for the work that has began – the building of a new sanctuary as a legacy of the GOSPEL to the future generations.In our cities, God is getting ready to do something new….

We have all the resources necessary, but God is waiting on only two people to agree and some hearts to let go of the past. When Joshua an Caleb entered into an agreement with GOD that it can be done, with a faith that was as small as a mustard seed, the rest was HISTORY.



The city is not here for us. We are here for the city. Have you ever wept for your city or Dallas-Ft. Worth?On the surface Dallas Ft. Worth {or your city} really is paradise, full of goodies to be consumed.But, if you looked at Dallas Ft. Worth or your city through the eyes of Jesus, this city would break your heart.In the Gospel we read that Jesus wept for Jerusalem for he knew that Jerusalem needed him then, and your city, as well as Dallas Ft. Worth needs him today.Will you intercede for a move of GOD in your city?


August 1985/86 my sister Alice and I were attending annual Youth Gathering at Kericho High School organized by Rev. David Mutai, who back then was the National Youth Director.There were many speakers addressing different topics such as Holiness, youth leadership, etc. Mr. Chumo {or Chumek}, from Kap-Sut-Ser / Jericho area, then a teacher at Kipsigis Girls High School and now late taught on the church and politics subject.I do not remember many things he said, but one thing, the Holy Spirit has recalled to my mind is the statement that for most parts Christians are monarchist, who even in the heat of a highly charged political event do not loss focus on the Kingdom of God where Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, ruling for ever and ever.



Growing up, we loved to visit grandmother, meet our cousins, uncles and etc. One of my memorable visits occurred around 1982/ 83. We were visiting grandmother in Chepalungu {another word for Deep-South}.Around 7pm, grandmother asked one of my cousins to tell us one of the stories.

Now my cousin Juliana, got us soaking in tears in the stories she told. We had a good time. Today I will NOT tell the story that got us teary-eyed but will share another of the many stories.The story is about a chepyoset {woman} who had seven sons who thought of doing the impossible.

The story as I can recall begins this way.Long-time ago, two neighboring communities made a mutual and peaceful agreement concerning the herding of folds.The mutual agreement written in the hearts of the people in the community was that if one group succeeded to cross the well guarded border and get the herd over to their side, the other group must consider it a game-over for the season and wait for the next season.

Clear rules were in place and there was no pursuing of the herd, until such time that another whistle is blown from the Kingdom above.In the story, there was a chepyoset with seven sons. The sons were not brave people.When it came to doing something impossible, they acted like goats. But whenever something seemed easy, they were like sheep. Chepyoset, having heard a whistle from the Kingdom above did everything within her powers to get the sons unite and go as team and do the impossible, but they acted like goats.

Finally chepyoset said, this is it. I have had enough, I will take this task upon myself.One morning she called all her sons and said, the whistle from the kingdom above is blowing and it is time. Now here is what I want you to do, I will do the impossible. I will risk my life and handle the gigantic men with spears and all you have to do is to enjoy the fruit. The sons agreed to the deal.At once chepyoset set out on a journey to handle the impossible. On her way, she took a chepkokosiot (eagle) with her.

Camouflaged in her dressing, she crossed over to the enemy’s territory and climbed the highest tree, literally becoming a turtle on a fence Post.While up the tree, she started to sing her guts out…. She sang, sang and sang…. She sang sang and sang until she was nothing but a “mocking bird.”Finally, the herdsman, decided they were not going to put up with any more of that nonsense. So they began a journey towards the tall tree where the voice came from.

No sooner had they started going towards the tree than the sons of Chepyoset contending as one person, in complete unity drove the herds home.When everyone in the community saw the sons of chepyoset coming home, they said to each other, “Aiqweck! Gaga Chepyosani kogitinye murenik che utoten, ago mi kibagenge ago ny’igonik ochei?Meanwhile, Chepyoset who did not believe in the shedding of blood, was up in the tree, praying to God that somehow she would survive the impeding verdict, eviction and possibly death.

While in a state of thanksgiving for what has been achieved, she released the Eagle… and the herdsmen look at each other and said…. ahhhh! Makiy and left the tree alone……At night, when all was calm and all was quite, Chepyoset found her way home and called his sons together and said, “Kongoi ne ten Muren ak tany.”Meanwhile the sons were behaving as hereos in the eyes of the community…What is the moral of the story? Any biblical parallels?{3} Christ Transforming the Culture:

The story above was based on the socio-historical reality of the past. Today, that reality is no longer the way of life, but we can learn something if only we look with spiritual lenses that comes from the Kingdom of God.The good news of the GOSPEL is that there is another culture, and a way of life that comes from the Kingdom of God.In that Kingdom, we listen to one VOICE – the voice of the Great Shepherd, who is ruling in the Kingdom that will never come to an end said. Before he ascended to His throne, JESUS said to His Disciples, “Go to ALL PEOPLE and be my witnesses.”NOW IT IS YOUR TURN

you will receive power


One of my favorite songs says; “He is here, Hallelujah.. can you hear HIM calling out your name?”Listen closely……. Can you hear HIM asking you to use your gifts for the good of God’s family, community, city or nation and, most of all, for the GLORY of HIS NAME? Can you hear him saying, freely you’ve received these giftings, freely give?

Early 1980s families, communities, cities and nations were healing from a number of evils that had included attempted coup, famine and a serious recession around the world.If it were not for prayers, and yellow maize and beans… in that season, some of us would not be here today….

I have been led to recall the one afternoon, my uncle Francis arrived home with most of the herd of Chepno family after walking about 40 miles due to a serious drought .I have vivid memories of dad saying, “if you see a School Principal walking such a distance with herds, you would know that the matter of drought is serious..”Everyone in the family and community knew if it doesn’t rain soon, we’ll perish.

By this time, the call to pray was no longer head knowledge but a matter of the heart. We began praying and fasting…. and turning to GOD..God did answer prayers.Rains came and so many other blessings followed in the family, community and nation.

At my family we were graced with my brothers passing High School with flying colors and etc.As the blessings of the LORD began pouring in all societal levels, GOD began engaging people on a serious conversation that led to a serious long-term commitment and sacrificial living for the sake of a larger vision that could impact the whole world.

This call was everywhere andI have vivid memories of God calling those who at that time were around 35 – 59+, to get together and seek God on how to meet a specific need in our community.Like every other community, my community at that time had a felt-need that was a result of the anticipation of then 18 – 27 year old flooding the city and community in desperate need for entry-level jobs and spiritual guidance.

On the other side of the coin was the challenge of the masses of 14 – 17 years old, who could not further education due to a lack of space and affordable High School education.One Saturday afternoon, I was home, as usual taking 4 o’clock tea with father when some of the well-respected elites of the community dropped by. They took their seats, started drinking tea and began day-dreaming about what might be next now that rains have began and their sons and daughters are passing with flying colors and etc….

Then someone said, “Simion, Let us build a HIGH SCHOOL!”It was as if destiny had spoken.At once they began searching for who had what gifts to offer to make the dream a reality. Dad was asked to be the treasurer, another visionary leader, another chairman of the board, another secretary, another community organizer and they put me in charge of milking and delivering milk to the new school by 5pm everyday…

Long story short….. that is how Kiplokyi Secondary School came into being…. Dad served as a treasurer of the school until the day he choose and trained the first bursar of the school a few years before God called him home….In the world lately, we’ve been through a lot…. recession, drought, war and etc…..

By the grace of GOD we are coming out and 2013 looks as bright as GOD’s promises…..God who called Abraham is still in the business of calling out people’s name. Jesus who called Simon Peter and doubting Thomas, is still in the business of calling out people’s name.If you listen, carefully, today, you might hear him calling out your name…..HAVE A BLESSED SUNDAY….

great is thy faithfulnes

Joyce and I met in 1996, just as I was about to graduate with a Bachelor of Theology. She had join the Bible College to study business administration in a setting that is Christ-Centered. We were married in one year later.

Two weeks after our wedding we flew to United States to pursue studies in preparation for the work of God. I had come to the United States in 1995. Toward the end of 1996, before leaving for Kenya, I came to know of Dr. Mohler, president of Southern Seminary. I admired him for back then he was the youngest Seminary President in the USA who came to that role after completing his PHD in Systematic Theology at a very young age.

Early 1998 Joyce received scholarship to pursue a degree in Mission at Boyce College, Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. Upon her graduation in 2001, I encouraged her to wor towards a Master of Christian Education while I considered a PHD in Systematic Theology at Southern Seminary. My lovely wife humbly and graciously responded… “I can’t see myself being teacher…. ma ane ne bot-bote en class….” At that time {in 2000}, I was teaching at Simmons Bible College of Kentucky.

When Joyce convinced me she couldn’t be a teacher, we began to review our our plans and goals for the future. God had already blessed us with a daughter and our son was on his way. Long story short, Joyce and I began to talk about our future. We began talked about a dream to turn the world upside down for Jesus.
We talked about goals for a ministry that is literally touching many lives, transforming cities and communities. We talked about turning a vision and theories of a PHD thesis into reality. By the end of our conversation I concluded I as well could no longer continue “bot-boting”-in class {-no offense teachers,}. By the end of our week of intense prayer and soul-search, Joyce and I received a call from a student pastorate in West Ohio Conference saying, “come over and help us.”

From October 2000 through May 2004 we were involved in the preaching of the gospel in Hamilton and Brown Counties, development of cross-cultural pastor’s fellowship in West Ohio Conference, : Save our farms conferences in Iowa; the formation of the West Ohio Credit Union and even working with the admissions team of Trinity Theological College & Seminary.

Summer 2004, Joyce and I still convinced that the only real answer to human need was not another PHD but the change of heart by the Holy Spirit and his incorporation into a victorious fellowship of believers, the Church, felt God’s call to move further South, a journey that led to incorporation of Victory Fellowship, October 31, 2004.

In a very real sense the vision at hand has been our chief calling. What value is a PHD thesis if it cannot be implemented?

The dream for a victorious center of fellowship is big and not at all sure of success. This project couldn’t be done with a small group of Latinos, a small group of Kenyans or even the wise counsel of the elderly white men and women alone. It can however, be implemented with ALL PEOPLE, praying, loving each other and working together. The vision at hand calls on us to cross every divide be it racial, tribal, gender or age. 

Furthermore, the vision at hand that requires someone’s life-time attention – there is no way around it. If this is God’s vision, it will come to reality. Even if it mean sacrificing a PHD to bring the vision of a victorious fellowship to reality, we’ll do it, for this is our calling. Though non go with us….we will continue the journey. Even when the devil erects a chapel next to it… we will continue… When others laugh…. we will continue. This is GOD’S TIME.

I mention about chapel not to offend anyone, but because I recalled what Martin Luther wrote that, “Wherever God erects a cathedral, the devil builds a chapel.” What he means is that where God’s work is being done… the devil always do his best to disrupt.

Dr. Peoples, then President of Simmons College of Kentucky had told me the day he offered me a job to teach that I should pursue a PHD for to hold a PHD is to prepare to enter into a tenured position in teaching. He warned, however, that to be a tenured professor is to commit to lifetime of no dreaming, teaching, researching and writing. If you have a calling to do so…. do it my brother/ sister. 

I believe God had called me to a life of implementing the dream of a victorious fellowship and for SEVEN years now, we’ve enjoyed every moment, every twist and turn. Today, we hear the HOLY HILLS of HEAVEN say, the best is yet to come…

The GOOD BOOK, the BIBLE talks of “FURLOUGH” or say “YEAR OF JUBILEE” every seven years. For Joyce and I, together with our children, the last couple of months we’ve been on furlough…. though occasionally, I have felt called to share about the journey as we prepare to see the move of GOD, turning the world, the city, the community and the church upside down for Jesus.

I have many friends who hold a PHD. There was day thought I be the first in the family to earn a PHD, but now I have many nieces and nephews who are poised to earn PHD. I pray and encourage each of them, and everyone else to earn a PHD. 

I admire everyone who has earned a PHD. If, you are not yet 40, please work hard and earn your PHD. If you are over 40 work hard if your can earn an honorary doctorate then consider a PHD….

If God calls you, however, to a lifetime of implementing a dream, outside the field of academia do it will all your might and power….. Honorary Doctorates {given to people like Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rick Warren, etc) as I see it is meant for those who have excelled in implementing what others excelled in putting it down as PHD dissertation. Has God has chosen the foolish things to shame the wise?


Notice the barrels of water in this story recorded in I Kings 18. There were four of them, then four more, and again another four: twelve in all that were poured over the sacrifice. Elijah wanted no question at all that there had been any trickery. God’s power alone would have to light that sacrifice. The wood was not only thoroughly wet, but the trench around the altar was filled to the brim. In no way could an accidental spark have ignited the wood.



This is a personal journal and not really meant for everyone, except for any young person like my niece or nephew with dreams of High School, College, University, Career and etc.God knows what you need.

Mid 1980s there was a movement of “Boarding Schools” sweeping across what was then EMKWEN location in today’s Bomet County.Many of my friends at Middle School were leaving our rural primary school for greener pastures. Consequently, I asked my dad if I could go also, and start my sixth grade at the Boarding School.

My father had this to say. “Son, stay where you are and work very hard. God knows how much we need you here at home to help with milking and grazing of our thirteen cows rotating from “bitonin” to “legem” to “meto.”Father continued…”I taught you from first grade through third grade, and I think you will make to the best High School from Kiplokyi. If you keep working hard and keep your trust and faith in God, a letter from one of the best High Schools will come looking for you right here in this village. “

Dad was right! Dad’s consistently taught us to put our trust and hope in God. Many times he said, “The word of God says, cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD.”

Today I know this passage is found in Jeremiah 17:1.Whatever you do, do not put your trust in man/woman. Put your trust in God and do not allow your heart to turn away from the LORD. Work hard where you are.

Tell GOD your hopes and dreams and don’t be surprised when in GOD’s time a letter comes letting you know you’ve found the very place you’ve been dreaming about. Put your trust in GOD.Next week Mercy {our daughter) gets to sit for a last exams following the State Exams of the last couple of weeks.

Come September, she will join High School… and now as parents we are torn between Mesquite ISD and Keller ISD. Mercy’s dream the last few months has been High School at Keller ISD, a place rated the 7th best place to live in America…..

Since January, we’ve been blessed to live and share the gospel in Keller, TX.God in his own time and in HIS supernatural provision made a way for us and we are forever grateful to GOD. God is faithful! God is trustworthy- “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” {Numbers 23:19}.

Keller has been very receptive area to the gospel and we thank everyone who has made our transition possible. Many prayed.Many have given sacrificially, sowing in tears. THANK YOU for GIVING to the LORD. Your giving has not been in vain. GOD is winning souls int he CITY of KELLER and we are seeing the mighty hand and move of GOD. GOD IS GOOD.I must admit that I am beginning to hope that we get to stay permanently in Keller, TX.

Keller ISD has been the dream-school for our children for a very long time now. I do not know what God is doing, but it is possible, we are in Keller for such a time as this and only GOD could have orchestrated the events………

In the process of our living in Keller we’ve also been actively involved in evangelizing the city of Forth-worth, reaching the poor, the homeless, the lost and the lonely. In the process God has taught us that the best way to share his love is to be among the people and learn to accept the fact that the poor, lost, homeless and lonely is us, not them.

Scripturally, we are all lost, homeless, lonely and poor until clothed in Christ’s righteousness.This summer, Mercy (our daughter) joins a Mission team on a City Youth Camp at Downtown Fort Worth.We are excited for her. Though she gets to stay at Embassy Suites in downtown Fort Worth , they will also spent the day working and ministering among the poor, the homeless and the lost in the City of Forth-Worth.

It is our prayer the next Short-Term Mission Trip she will take will be to Lemeiywet Village. This, we leave it to GOD and with your prayers, this could happen sooner than later.Listen to the conclusion of the matter.It is always good to have plans, but it is also much better to let God, JEHOVA Adonai, Jehova Sabbaoth who is Immanu- {El} i.e God with us guide and lead every step of the way.

So today,1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.Proverbs 3:6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

A wise person cannot determine your success at the starting of the race, nor the middle, but at the finish line.Men and women like Paul, Moses, Joseph, David, Esther, Naomi, Ruth and etc whose destinies could have been destroyed and sealed in defeated and discouragements confounded their critics, friends, family and more friends and heard the Master say; “Well Done, my good and faithful Servant” because they refused to flinch amid-st persecution and adversity.May you be found among those build by battles, promoted by persecution, forced forward by failure and found standing in times of challenge and controversy.See Mathew 10:22

To friends and partners – THANK YOU. God’s love has been made manifest through your sacrifices and love. Because of your prayers and support we are moving forward and will celebrate 9th year since the first prayers of dedication of the incorporated home missions church and ministry on November 7, 2004.

We face this anniversary with renewed passion for Hope 2017 vision that is slowly but surely coming to reality. God is saying prepare for the next wave and move of GOD that will bring many of the 18 – 27 years to our cities, Dallas-Ft. Worth included and some of many of my nieces and nephews included.

Today we wish you a day of ordinary miracles….. A fresh cup of tea you did not make….. An unexpected phone call/mail/email from an old friend. Green stop lights or if walking to a place, a free lift on your way home/work. The fastest line at grocery store, hospital, bank, etc….. And a good sing-along along on the radio……. As you marvel at God’s ordinary miracles today… remember it is not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. Everybody can make a difference. By God’s grace, bloom Where you are planted! It is your time………

We can’t love our neighbor and hate our enemy because they are too often one in the same.” G.K. Chesterton
Families are certainly different today than they were 25 years. Many have concluded that “family is an endangered species?” What surprises does God have in store for this generation? Read Joshua 24:15

bearing fruit

In the gospel of John, we read of the vine, branches, pruning and good fruit. Pruning, as you might know if you are familiar with gardening or landscaping, is a way of removing certain branches and leaves from a plant to make the plant stronger and healthier overall. Sometimes branches that are removed from a plant are diseased or weak, but other times, branches that seem healthy enough have to be removed because the pruning will make for a better, more fruitful plant or tree over the long run. Pruning, then, is a way of perfecting a plant, you might say.
Psalm 84: 5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baka,
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.[d]
7 They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion.
Victory in the right perspective is the assurance that by the grace and mercies of God, we who were lost and rebellious, following our own sinful ways and the voices of these world have, by FAITH in Christ Jesus, become the children of GOD….

you will receive power

Many of you may recall what hat happened in New Orleans, Louisiana late 2005 with Hurricane Katrina and etc? What is God doing now doing in New Orleans, a place that revealed indescribable human suffering, poverty and hopelessness in NorthAmerica? How do we know that the darkness is leaving and the dawn is coming? Is it when we see that the other (rich/ poor, educate/ uneducated, celebrity/ loner, blue or yellow, etc} is a child of God?

Thanks be to GOD

The LORD is now reawakening HIS people to HIS all-consuming purpose of restoring HIS house and extending His grace.When the work of the Gospel that we’ve been apart of began in Dallas in 1969, it began as an extension of God’s saving grace . When the work of the Gospel began, again, in 2004 it was for the purpose of reawakening God’s people to His all consuming purpose of restoring HIS house and extending His grace {as in church extension.}We now depart from the swirling waters of “strategic planning” and crosscurrents of “church planting ideologies” that led to trials of 2011/12 and almost caused the demise of original purpose – to restore God’s house of worship in Dallas and extending His Amazing Grace to the lost.There is a new generation of Americans that must hear the gospel.

There is a new generation of Americans like my son and daughter who cannot gather as Kenyans, Mexicans, Canadian, Korean and etc…. but rather God’s people and the next generation of American Christians.It is to this generation that we say goodbye to mis-teaching of victory. Victory in the right pespective is God reawakening HIS people to HIS all-consuming purpose of restoring His House of worship and extending His Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me and you to the next generation.Dear reader, may you say like the Psalmist; “what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us, we will not hide them from our children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm

The work of restoration of God’s house has began. It is our God-given task to restore, repair and replace with qualities of hope and humility the things that have gone neglected, to make strong the walls that have grown weak. Yet we cannot do much until every fiber of our soul and mind says; “ The Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up” ( John 2:17).

About four years ago friends and partners of Victory Fellowship fasted, held overnight prayers and teleconference prayer meetings. We prayed in desperation for the impossible: that God would bring new families to Dallas, Texas, fill the parsonage with children and spark a new movement. We prayed boldly. God honored those prayers in amazing ways… and soon new faces called of God arrived in Dallas, Texas. Imagine what else might happen if only we would shake heaven itself with passionate, fearless, faithful prayers…. again?

masterlike a shepherd

Elijah Kim in his 2012 book The Rise of the Global South talks about The Decline of Western Christendom and the Rise of Majority World Christianity. If you are in America the specific message could be, “The Rise of Southern States” If you are in one of America’s big city like Dallas, the specific message could be “The rise of South Dallas” which for a long time was a place of poverty, crime and hopelessness.. If you are Rift Valley, it is like writing a book entitled; “the Rise of South Rift.” If you are in South Rift it is like saying; “The Rise of Chepalungu.” WHAT IS GOD DOING IN THE SOUTH? And how can the NORTH join in the GOD-MOVEMENT so that all can be blessed? Continue reading below…

THE RISE OF “CHEPALUNGU,” SOUTH RIFT, GLOBAL SOUTH, OR_______________ (fill in the space) that HE MIGHT BE GLORIFIED? 

While I stand to be corrected, some of the most influential pastors / churches in America are found in Southern States. T.D. Jakes is based in Forth-Worth TX, Joel Osteen based in Houston, TX, John Haggee, San Antonio, TX, The largest Baptist Church in America, Dallas, TX, The Largest Methodist Church in America, Dallas, TX…. and the list goes on……. 

If you get to read the stories of these pastors and/or their parents, you would be shocked at the difficulties they faced before they and their ministries became what it is today.


South in United States is remembered most for slavery…. yet in the midst of such history… God has chosen the South to reveal his glory. Any Seminary will make sure their students read about the History of Civil Rights movement and the work of Martin Luther King Jr. who was discovered pastoring a small flock in Birmingham Alabama. 

If, however, after Seminary you are called South, and meet some of a wise mentor, you would learn quickly that to be America’s pastor you need more than head knowledge of America’s deep South… you also need to go to Birmigham Alabama and be “baptized” (for a lack of a better word) and drink a bitter cup of America’s history…. Only then will your head knowledge move to your heart……. 

God has chosen the foolish things to shame the wise… and though all forms of “isms” is found in the South… it is still the place with the best theology and the hope of America might as well be said to lie in the South….. as God now do a great work among us, if we open our eyes, hearts and ears and listen to GOD.


Jesus was born among the least of these in the “South.” Someone has said he came into the world through a door marked “NO ENTRANCE” and went through a door marked, “NO EXIT.” What a great example. God has chosen the foolish things to shame the wise.. imagine a virgin womb and an empty tomb? You do not need a PHD to understand…. you simply need faith that comes through hearing and hearing the word of GOD.


Recently in America, most pastors have sensed the call of God to take a stand with those considered, homeless and otherwise rejects of the society. It is almost impossible to a pastor, before you experience first hand what people ordinary people… in the south… go through…. It is one thing to talk budgets of one million… it is another to talk of one dollar touching one million people translating into one million dollar that will contribute to the rise of the South. 

Why is it necessary that before one pastors a church, there is a need to identify among the poor, the homeless and those whose dreams have been “flushed down the drain?” Is it because God has chosen the foolish things to shame the wise? Is it because God always begins his great work in odd places?

Our youth just return from a Youth Camp event and ministry in partnership with another ministry to downtown Forth-Worth. ON Wednesday their day was dedicated to ministry among the poor, the refugees and the homeless… Today we’ve heard stories of what God is doing in “the South.” 


If you were to find a king and anoint for God’s service…. where would you go? To the far North? Among the rich? Or among the homeless? If you were called to plant a church… where would you go? Among the poor, homeless or among the rich and the have-it-all? If you were to do something great for GOD, where would that be? 

I close with a personal reflection… and could a revelation of my own ignorance….. When I was in late 20s I admired people like Dr. Mohler who earned a PHD in Systematic Theology at very early age and almost wanted to be like them…I still admire him and think he is a great man of God though I disagree with him on many points theologically. 

Now that I have crossing to 40s I admire people like Dr. Maxie Dunman, who was my president at Asbury Seminary. Maxie had a Doctor of Ministry and began his life as a simple pastor in Southern states, having been born and raised in Mississippi. Today the state of Mississippi is considered the poorest states… but with GOD Mississippi is well positioned to reveal the glory of GOD. 

If you have read your bible you would know that God has always chosen the foolish things to shame the wise. Beginning with Abraham, God makes a promise of a great nation and had to wait for many years before a son, Isaac is born…. God gives a dream to Joseph and had to go through suffering of envy and hatred, sold to slave traders, finding himself in Pharaoh’s house, jailed then brought to his rightful position.

unchanging gospel

Next God has Moses born at time that he has no chance of survival… Born when an immigration law was in full force and a need was there to kill all young boys. God goes against all laws, rules and traditions and the next thing we see, Moses is raised by Pharoah’s daughter and becomes adopted son of Pharaoh…. He get his best education in Egypt and at about 40 years of age. … he comes like a well-sharpened leader, only to meet rejection among his own Hebrews brothers and having killed an Egyptian had to flee for his life. He ends up, in the wilderness and it appears the dream for Israel’s future has gone SOUTH….a gain.. BUT while in the widlerness… GOD appears to him in a burning bush… and the rest is history… God begins to raise a people out of slaves… to be his people…. 

Surely the biblical story…. is a story of the rise of GLOBAL SOUTH, every time….. if you are going through something… remember “yon bwonchin bunik che chang…. ak ko-arogen sobondang’ung… inai ile wolun Jehova SAENGUYNG.”…. that is it when things appear to have gone SOUTH that God is at work……. 


When I first arrived in America, I had a dream of going back to my Lemeiywet village with an airplane and a million dollars for the purpose of bringing radical changes to the community…. 

A wise man, Dr. Maxie Dunman said to me, “In many years of pastoral ministry, I learned one thing….. and I want you to listen closely….. If you want to move a people in deep South from hand hoe farming to combine harvester… you don’t buy a combine harvester or you simply move and live among them for 17 years.” 

15 years later, Joyce and I have been in deep South, and we think God is up to something the next two years.

Why are we in facebook and talking openly about many things? Have we moved here to simply live among one another, knowing that facebook can be a place to vulnerably share your needs with one another for “body ministry”. As James 5:16 says, “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another (doesn’t say give counsel), that you may be healed. 

How can we make our Facebook experience a safe place where one will not receive judgement but also necessitates the willingness to risk being vulnerable and transparent?

How can we let the SOUTH know it is their time… as those in the NORTH embrace that is GOD’s time for the SOUTH (which in most places represent great poverty and need) to arise and shine?

“Can Anything Good Come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:43-51)
Can anything good come out of Global South? Can anything good come out of Southern Culture? Or let’s be more specific: Can anything good come out of a child born in poverty, born by a young virgin girl and raised by adopted father, Joseph and preaching and teaching in all the places he goes?

Isaiah 53:4 says of Jesus, “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.” 

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Acts 5:30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead–whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree.

Romans 6:11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

A New and Glorious Chapter!2012 in Dallas Ft. Worth


THIS MINISTRY IS GOD’S NOT OURSIn 2009… we heard what we believed then to be the voice of GOD saying, “Trust me for a a relocation site of Victory Fellowship in Northwestern areas of Dallas for I have rejected a relocation of acreage and facilities to Mesquite as I did once in 1979.”

In 2010, the same word came from the LORD, this time, a little louder and we began searching for that place and came to a conclusion we had found one in Coppel.Coppel is located about five miles from the Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport and 15 miles from Dallas Love Field Airport. Surrounded by major regional freeways such as I.H. 635, I.H. 35 E, Highway 161 and the S.H. 114/121, these assets make Coppell an easily accessible to any place in the Metroplex and anywhere in the world.



The vision of Victory Fellowship to be a place where blood bought saints fervently seek God’s face until healing of all nations is made tangible was birthed in our hearts October 2004 with the theme scriptures being Isaiah 61:1 thus;

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted”

And Joshua 14: 10 – 16 thus:

“Just as the LORD promised, ………. Now give me this hill country (NIV; KJV “mountain”) that the LORD promised me that day” (12a)..

In 2011, God made the call to relocate acreage and center of our ministry to Northwestern areas of Dallas-Ft. Worth so loud and even brought storms that showed us that Victory Fellowship’s vision to be a place of healing, a place of praise and a place where God is adored is build on a firm foundation.

Victory Fellowship continues today because of GOD. Only GOD has stood for Victory Fellowship. BLESSED be the name of GOD, who is a stronger tower and the righteous run unto him and they are safe.

As we approach the end of 2012, and a celebration of our 8th year of existence as an Evangelistic & Church Extension Ministry on November 7, we have every reason to PRAISE GOD even as we continue in firm faith and believe that the vision for a permanent venue for Victory Fellowship in Northwestern areas of Dallas Ft. Worth is not just a self-deception, but real and moving towards a day of fulfillment. We must admit that at this time, we are open to God’s leadership who makes all things beautiful in His time.


One of the biggest challenge we face is that of raising adequate support through giving. It is one thing to pledge a million dollars, it another to give consistently until such a goal is realized. The good-news is that God will make a way through generosity of God’s people from all nations and backgrounds so that Victory Fellowship can grow to be, by God’s grace, an instrument of healing to the nations and a place where people from all nations, tongues and kindred can find forgiveness, healing, reconciliation and hope of eternal life through Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

It has been said, without vision people will perish and without funding the mission cannot be successful.

It is our prayer that over the next six months, God will begin to speak to some people to consider how we can partner together and bring the vision of acreage to reality no later than November 7, 2014 and completion of a beautiful center of prayer, worship, healing and ministry by November 7, 2017 so that His name might be glorified.

It was in 2007 that God first said to us 2017 will be a year of fulfillment of the things I have spoken and revealed to you…. God’s promises are yea and amen and we stand in faith as we journey towards God’s preferred future.

love at calvary

There are about four things the scripture emphasize from Genesis to Revelation;

  1. Great Commission {to all people – e.g Lisu, Spaniards, Southerners, Northerners, Immigrant, Non-Immigrant, Alien, Resident, Rich, Poor, , reject, loved, celebrity, homeless etc}
  2.  The role of the Holy Spirit,
  3.  Worship of God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, and
  4. Being a family of GOD starting with your Jerusalem, {i.e immediate family} to Samaria, to Judea and to the ends of the world…..


At the beginning of this year,  my family and I what we believe was a call and leading from GOD to step out in faith and prepare for what God is getting ready to do through Victory Fellowship today and tomorrow. As part of that preparation, we had an opportunity, through prayers, hospitality and support of God’s people to travel as a family. In our travels, God gave us an opportunity to renew fellowships with friends and prayer partners  in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. We are grateful for prayers and give glory to God who lead us through the journey. God honors any act of faith and will use it win souls of all nations.



Over the journey of the last seven years, God has revealed to us the faces, stories, children, and families behind the numbers  whose nakedness has been covered by others and those in need of theirs covered. Every year since 2004, my Joyce and I have always provided transitional housing for a family with children, providing counseling, referrals and etc. Today there are over seven families that have been ministered to.  At this time, we sense God’s calling to expanding the ministry and opportunities at Victory Fellowship. There are great needs in our world, and God is counting on each of us to make a difference. There is a “Macedonian Call”  to make a commitment to  help end homelessness at home and abroad.

By homelessness we do not mean owning a house because there are many home owners who are homeless. What we mean is offering the gospel that has the power to give a soul assurance of  eternal home and as a consequent a place to call home in the brief time God gives us to be here on earth. We have a calling to expand the ministry and opportunities of Victory Fellowship because it is the gospel that gives power to an individual or community to meet the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs of others that also includes such needs as housing. Today in our world, there are many children having a house to stay but are still classified homeless. Because of a down-turn in economy many homeowners are literally one month away from homelessness. There many young adults as well elderly people staying in comfortable apartments yet classified homeless. There are many people with excellent jobs, yet homeless and poor. This breaks the heart of God and gives us a great urgency to take  the gospel, doing everything we can to meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of ALL people. 



Victory Fellowship is a vision began at the General Conference resulting in corporation in the state of Texas October 31, 2004 for the purpose of sharing the gospel to ALL people. For seven years, Victory Fellowship has been sowing the seeds of the gospel among ALL people.



Over the next one year, if Jesus tarries, we will be implementing a vision of relocation and provision of a beautiful church facility to continue the work of the gospel God began in the Pleasant Grove addition of East Dallas when a group of middle-aged men  and women gathered together to pray. Two years later in 1970 they purchased a piece of property on the outskirts of East Dallas and began to implement a vision for a church campus where people could be equipped in a lifestyle that is Bible-based, God-centered, Christ-exalting, gospel-focused, grace-filled, and grounded in the theological heritage of the scriptural holiness movement made relevant to a changing world. They could hardly imagine that forty years later this church would be strategically located in one of the fastest growing cities in America.

The vision is alive and we are in process of planning by faith for a day to dedicate a pastor’s house in recognition of the fact that ministry of the word and pastoral leadership is required for a vision to be fulfilled. Following dedication of a pastor’s house would be faith commitment to provide acreage and church facility where all people may worship, fellowship and train their children in the way of the LORD. Please pray about joining our faith journey. Whereas we are asking for your gifts of tithes and offering, we want you to know that money isn’t the solution – at least not by itself the vision and mission of sharing the gospel with the lost. The greatest resources are people and our donations do make an impact when invested properly through organizations that are transparent, efficient, and strategic in not creating dependency but rather, creating opportunities and empowerment. There many homeless souls to reach and you can make a difference.

those who wait


At this time, we are in prayers and preparing to visit and make phone calls to a number of friends and family throughout the world. We feel it is God’s time to a step further and invite  family, friends, and the rest of the world to consider praying and if possible donating an offering to Victory Fellowship then renewing that pledge monthly, quarterly, or at least yearly. We have decided to make our donation public not because we want attention or pats on our back but to let people know that  we it is time forVictory Fellowship to arise and shine for the light has come. The work of the gospel demands prayers and generosity of God’s people and it cannot wait.+

Please pray about doing something to change a life or a community. There are a lot of needs in the world. Brokenness and nakedness abound. From the living WORD of GOD we have been called to clothe the naked—whether it is physical or emotional. If you help, one day Jesus will say “…I was naked and you clothed me…” and you will reply, “Lord, when did we see you naked and clothe you…? (Matthew 25:38) He responds, “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40).Sincerely in Christ,

+Have you prayed today for someone you might have misunderstood? Have you asked the LORD to show you more of that person’s thoughts, desires, motives and beliefs? Proverbs 20:5 says, “A plan of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws it out.” It is dangerous to run with half-truth…. If you dig into deep waters through prayer…. GOD will reveal to you amazing things….. Wherever you are this FRIDAY night where many will gather for overnight prayers… seek GOD earnestly.

make a difference

Yesterday, at one of those family times after dinner, we were listening to Rod Parsley preach when all of a sudden he said something that captured our attention…. He said, “2011 was hell!… But thank GOD 2012 came along!”

Some of you went through somethings….. but thanks be to GOD who giveth us the victory through Christ Jesus our LORD {I Cor. 15:57}.

And what VICTORY are we celebrating? It is victory over the power of sin and death…. that sin of contempt, that sin of lust, that sin of greed, that sin of vain glory and….. Victory over the powers of this dark world and over the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms…..

Thanks be to GOD he giveth us the victory through Christ Jesus our LORD….. and so we declare 2013 a year of VICTORY….

God called upon St. Francis of Assisi to rebuild the church. Unsure what church God meant, Francis chose a ruined one near where he lived. He recruited all kinds of people to help him build it.Some people could not understand why someone wanted to mark the place where we meet God. Others stood akimbo watching, and they kept watching from a distance for a long time, until one day, before they knew it they were part of those mixing cement.As the work continued, year after year, month after month, building the church became more important then finishing it for building it together gave people who were formerly invisible to each other meaning, purpose, and worth.Search your hearts, listen to God’s urging, consider stepping outside your comfort zone and make a commitment to building something that is eternal (His church)…… as you ask;(1) Who are we?
(2) Where are we?
(3) What is wrong?
(4) What is the solution?
preach-the-gospel.jpgJesus conversing with Nicodemus these questions as paraphrased;’Sorry, Nicodemus, it is not enough to be an open-minded, sympathizer of mine. It is not enough to recognize that I am a teacher come from God, and am performing some wonderful signs. These are fair and accurate conclusions you have made with your human understanding. But you must be born again…… and this is a supernatural work of the Spirit that is completely out of our control; it is a gift from God.’ (See John 3)

Relax. What God wants to do involves all of us, whether we are from charismatic, fundamental, or other backgrounds. All we can do is join in the journey of prayer to GOD who will do it in the way he chooses, even if it means exalting the humble and humbling the exalted, and by transforming cowards, doubting Thomases and etc into the cornerstones of his work for the glory of His name.

Whenever we asked father for School fees…. he often said, “remember, I am not your source…. GOD is your source and His resources are not limited.” For your needs today and tomorrow, TRUST in GOD….. He is is your source and not your job, parent and etc

Apostle Paul says that Jesus alone will transform everything. Until then, we live as strangers in this world on a mission, believing, that we can be salt and light in the cities and nations God has planted us, making an eternal difference by our lives.


Please pray for the body of Christ to arise and shine. Pray also for ministers of the GOSPEL and suport them faithfully and reverently as directed by the voice of the Great Shepherd.

HOPE 2017

We have reason to believe Victory Fellowship is  God’s vision of a church that embraces Jesus Christ and His word as the HOPE of the city of Dallas-Ft. Worth now and in more so in 2017….

Many people who have gone before us prayed and sacrificially supported us…. you and I are not here by accident or by our own ability. There are prayers and pillars who prayed at greater length and gave in greater depth so that you and I today can enjoy the fruits of the vision we are apart of….

The vision of VICTORY is a tool GOD gave us in 2004 to help us help others to live lives that are biblically enlightened, spiritually fulfilled and eternally meaningful.

As autonomous incorporated body with the state of Texas it is a vessel through which you and I can join with GOD in dreaming and implementing dreams for 2017 and beyond, if JESUS tarries…..

My prayer to GOD in this season is to open our eyes to see…. and our ears to ear. Many of us are here in Dallas and part of a vision of VICTORY because of centering moments of prayers of 2009 and 2010…..

Now it is your turn to pray for others, for the vision that has been shared… Pray in all manner of faith knowing that any word GOD has spoken will not return VOID…

“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it?Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” { Numbers 23:19}.

Go therefore and LOVE the unlovable……

FORGIVE the unforgivable and may your life and work manifest the fruit of the SPIRIT in faithful living in your home, workplace, school, church and world….