Month: May 2015

Greatly Blessed

I’m especially proud of our children. Despite the hardships of cross-cultural ministry transitions, they have remained joyful, loving, hopeful and faith-filled. Joyce and I feel greatly BLESSED! Highly Favored!

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Above: Our Son performing at Tazwell FBC.

Below: Our Daughter singing with our Youth Choir.


June 1, 2015 – June 30 2016. To do list…..

  • (1) Keep FT and overtime work at England…. by God’s grace
  • (2) Support wife in her vision to complete the next step in her career.
  • (3) Be wholly available (as needed) to teach, preach and be present at FBC, Harrogate
  • (4) Continue the “Discovery to Deployment” journey with Sent North America Missions.
  • (5) Prepare and continue planning for June 2016 short-term Missions trip to Kenya with a team from the Trii-state area of TN, KY and VA.
  • (6) Complete the Lemeiywet House and if possible open/ dedicate.
  • (7) Attempt to complete a Doctor of Theology
  • (8) Prepare daughter for University and do everything possible to enable, our son and daughter, be all that God would have them be as citizens of America and the Heavenly Kingdom.

B – I – B – L – E

In his book, Why I Preach That Bible is Literally True, W.A. Criswell said,

The scriptures were not written to give us a course in mathematics or biology; nor were the Scriptures written to recount a full history of the chosen people of God or to narrate a full biography of Jesus.

God speaks to us through the Scriptures, not in order to make us mathematicians or biologists or historians but to make us children of our Heavenly Father….

The language used in the Bible to describe the natural world is the language of simple observation, not scientific empiricism.
Why I preach the BIBLE

Kericho Tea Estates

If by the grace of God you have an opportunity to visit Lemeiywet, you will have an opportunity to see Kericho Tea Estates.  The tea estate in Kericho covers over 8,700 hectares and is Rainforest Alliance certified. There are 12,000 permanent workers and 4,000-5,000 seasonal Unilever workers. Unilever has been growing tea in Kenya since 1924.

Unilever is a British–Dutch multinational consumer goods company co-headquartered in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and London, United Kingdom.


Missio Dei

Missio Dei is a Latin Christian theological term that can be translated as the “mission of God,” or the “sending of God.”

Our mission has not life of its own: only in the hands of the sending God can it truly be called mission. Missionary initiative comes from God alone …

Mission is thereby seen as a movement from God to the world; the church is viewed as an instrument for  hat mission. There is church because there is mission, not vice versa.

To participate in mission is to participate in the movement of God’s love toward people, since God is a fountain of sending love.


His Life For Mine

The east Tennessee family, Talley Trio,  have become one of the most beloved and respected groups in Christian music. The song, His Life for Mine is one of my favorite songs..

His heart was broken, mine was mended
He became sin, now I am clean.
The cross he carried bore my burden.
The nails that held him set me free.

His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die, God’s son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine.

His scars of suffering brought me healing
He spilled his blood to fill my soul.
His crown of thorns made me royalty
His sorrow gave me joy untold

His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die, God’s son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine.

He was despised and rejected, stripped of his garments and oppressed
I am loved and accepted and I wear a robe of righteousness

His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die, God’s son would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine.

Lyrics taken from <a href=”; rel=”nofollow”>this page</a>