Month: February 2021


Our Mission

 To glorify God, by making disciples of Jesus in Indy City and beyond.

Our Vision

To cherish the Gospel of Grace, embody the Biblical values of a compelling Gospel community, and to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom from the heart of Indy City to the ends of the earth.


1. A Clear Statement of Faith

At Indy City Church, we embrace “the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Our doctrine is grounded in God’s Word and evidenced in historic Christianity. Our Statement of Faith is a summary of what we believe, and it forms the guardrails for our teaching and preaching ministry. Our church values diversity—different backgrounds, ethnicities, life stages, even levels of spiritual maturity. When it comes to our central beliefs, though, we are gladly united.

2. Our Covenant Relationship

If the Statement of Faith is what we believe, the Covenant is how we intend to live together. To be a member of a church is to be vitally connected, like a limb (member) to a body. Church membership is not like joining a club for its benefits or services; it is committing oneself to the good of a local body, even as that body commits itself to your good. Our Covenant is a set of promises we make to one another as members of Indy City Church.

3. Our Constitution

Our constitution is a set of guidelines to help us function well as a church. It contains procedures and processes for adding and removing members, electing elders and deacons, and ordering the church generally—all for God’s glory and our joy

4. Our Values

4. Our Constitution

A.  The Gospel

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4).

What is this gospel? It is the Good News that God —through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son—has redeemed and now restoring a lost world to himself.

2. Biblical Preaching

Man cannot live on bread alone, but by every word, that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD,

3. Worship

The whole church, then, is the worship team. The role of the musicians is more to accompany than to perform.

4. Discipleship

Following Jesus is not a solo endeavor; it is a community effort. Nor is it confined to a weekly event; it is a lifestyle. We want our members to flourish in their knowledge of Scripture and theology so that the roots of their faith grow deep and strong. None of this can be manufactured or microwaved. Only God’s Word, reverberating through the life of the covenant community, can bring forth the growth we desire.

Our discipleship infrastructure is designed to facilitate such growth and entails four “ranked” priorities for each member: (1) corporate worship; (2) corporate prayer; (3) home groups; and (4) other opportunities (e.g., Sunday school, men’s and women’s groups, events and retreats, one-on-one discipling relationships, etc.)

5. Sacrificial Community

Church membership is a commitment to intentionally serve and help others, to take responsibility for their well-being. It’s a willingness to submit to the oversight of church leaders and to the care and accountability of fellow members. Scripture makes clear that elders are to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). The members are responsible for the mission. If pastors are the supply line, members are the front line.

6. Justice and Mercy

We are called to walk in his steps who did good. In light of his undeserved love, we delight to meet tangible needs in his name. With our words we speak the gospel; with our lives we show its grace.

7. Diverse Unity

The diversity we are talking about encompasses, ethnicity, age and class and personality and background. We long to be a multicultural, multigenerational church. Diversity is not something we manufacture; it’s something we prayerfully and humbly pursue.

8. Bold Prayer

As the body gathers regularly to pray, we will have increasing ways to praise God for answers to prayer, to see him at work in our midst, to express care for each other, and to cry out for his help as we seek to be faithful gospel ministers in Indy City and around the world.  To that end, we will fill our gatherings with prayer, and we will eventually set days for a corporate prayer meeting.

9. Giving

We are called by God to support strategic gospel workers with finances, prayers, encouragement, and care.