Month: January 2022

Friendship beyond Conflict of Interest?

Who is a friend – someone you can confide to access to in moments of great vulnerability and weakness. Someone you can trust and entrust your life in that moment you are not capable to manage and save yourself. He is not only able to help you, but is there to stand with you.

A friend is someone who would understand you when you need understanding most. We long for such people. People we can trust as speaking truth means well Friendship and friends are important in every stage of your life. Friends affect your social wellbeing and socio-economic development.

Chitugul kotinye betut ab berberienyin.

Bad Advice – By Pastor C.J

Some Notes

Outstanding creativity –

Challenging and Perplexing assignment –

Where there is CLARITY, there is UNITY. This is what God is leading us in this season.

Building a House from the Sky down- Empty mine out, not sure if it fills your cup.

MLK legacy – Pioneer, trail blazer, agent of Change. Left remarkable legacy. Before all things, he was a man of GOD- fully devoted, passionate man of God. Shaped by faith as a leader. Shaped his life as a leader.

The Logic – we pass on to people and the logic that in all reality is bad advice. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to find someone who supports your opinions.

Don’t buy product without considering by product. We celebrate the GOODNESS of God.

Just be yourself – That is why you didn’t get invited to the party. Don’t develop loyalty to your former self. Don’t sacrifice your purpose on the altar of your personality. Don’t be yourself. Become the person God created you to be.

Mathew 17:1 – Transfiguration passage. Peter could not handle awkward silence. In a world filled with bad advice, listen to him (Jesus). Have you ever starred at a car engine and admitted you have no idea what is wrong with the car engine and all I know is to say, Jesus heal my car?

We don’t exist to make decisions. We exist to make disciples. Discipleship. A church that doesn’t disciple will eventually dissolve. You don’t make it past four decades without discipleship. There is discomfort in doing the will of God.

Which path are you going to choose? Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing. Church is not a behavior modification program. Death elimination program.

Religion says change and you can join us. Gospel says join us and you will change. God is not asking for perfection. He is asking for consistency. It is not the litmus test, it is a blessed test. We are loosing our ability to receive feedback. If God cannot speak into your life who can?

With the law, we discover we are missing the mark. Moses labored under the law. Elijah is the most notorious prophet. 456 prophecies about Jesus. 323 is what others thinks.

8 prophecies of a prophecy? Oxford, Harvard, Yale have come together to say what are the chances that this Jesus could fulfill 8 prophecies. He fulfilled 29 prophecies in the last day of his life. He 10/15 10 unquinquantilion. Jesus fulfilled Submitted the review to the scientific material – any person who rejects Jesus as the son of God rejects a fact